Elimination of Hurry

Tuesday at 7:30 PM

Location: Ballston Quarter

About this Group:

Our Grace Women's Tuesday Night Bible Study also offers a corporate time where we come together to worship through singing, testimonies, prayer, and teaching for the first 15 minutes. Then, we break into small groups to explore God's Word, discuss its relevance to our lives, and lift one another up in prayer. What better way to grow in faith than in the company of sisters who share your journey? Whether you're new to the faith or have been walking with the Lord for years, this is a safe space for you!

Our group this fall will focus on one primary objective: helping each person develop a rule of life that fosters the kind of PACE for living that is conducive for spiritual growth and connection to Jesus. Recognizing hurry as a primary enemy of spiritual health, we'll be discussing what it looks like to practice the disciplines of solitude, simplicity, sabbath, and slowing.


This group is part of women's ministry Tuesday night experience. There are multiple leaders that make this experience possible. Once you join, you will be part of a group led by two women's ministry leaders.

Meeting: In-person, weekly on Tuesdays at 7:30pm.

To Join: Click "Join", provide your info and the group leader will be in touch with final details needed to participate in the group. If you have any questions, feel free to include them on the form.

Group Details:

Group Type: In Person
Category: Women's
Topic: Bible Study
Metro Accessible: Yes
Tuesday at 7:30 PM
Metro Accessible: Yes