We all need a plan for our money.
Financial Peace University (FPU) teaches fun, simple, easy-to-understand steps to get from where you are to where you need to be. Through video teachings, class discussions and interactive small group activities you'll learn how to get rid of debt, manage your money, spend and save wisely! Join us for this nine-week session.
To complete registration you must go to fpu.com/8A56BA, click "Join Class" and purchase materials through the FPU Website. Class starts Thursday, February 13th at 7:00pm If you already have FPU materials no need to purchase new ones, just sign up at fpu.com/8A56BA.
When you register, you can select from the 3mo, 6mo, or 12mo membership, which gives you access to the workbook, videos and online materials you will need for the class, fpu.com/8A56BA.
Meeting: Thursdays at 7:00 PM – Grace at Ballston Quarter
To Join: Go to fpu.com/8A56BA and make payment.
Group Details:
Group Type: In Person
Category: Co-ed
Metro Accessible: Yes