You are registering for the Grace Community Church Ministerial Studies course “The Epistles of John.”

A study of The Epistles of John will help you advance your knowledge and understanding of the Bible through an in-depth study of the scriptures and their practical application to your life. If you are seeking to grow spiritually and/or considering a role in ministry, this course is designed specifically for you.

This course and other future courses are aimed at building your faith through:

(1) Education: A classroom component to grow your faith and deepen your relationship with God through His Word and guidance of the Holy Spirit.

(2) Service: A service-learning requirement through the ministry opportunities (volunteer internships) at Grace.

The cost for the course will be $100. This includes a textbook for the course. 

Early Bird Registration discount: The cost of the course will be $75, as long as you register on or before April 25, 2024. 

The first day of class is Thursday, May 9, 2024, and the last day is June 27, 2024. Class times are from 7:00pm to 8:30pm. We plan to meet each week for 1.5 hours in-person at the Grace Community Church at Ballston Quarter, 4238 Wilson Blvd, 2nd Floor, Arlington, VA 22203.

Each new student will receive a textbook. Please note that the registration fee is non-refundable. The Ministerial Studies at Grace courses are not-for-credit and non-transferable. There are no pre-requisites, tests, or exams.

Each student is committing to:

(1) attend at least 5 out of 8 class sessions. It is expected the student will come prepared for a robust discussion of the Bible passages being studied. Time spent in self-study, prior to each lesson, should average about 30 minutes a day.

(2) complete the service-learning requirement at Grace. Each student must participate as a volunteer/intern for at least 5 of the 8 weeks of this course. The service-learning requirement should be completed by the 8th week. For ministry opportunities at Grace, visit

(3) write a one-page paper about what you learned from your above "ministry" experience.

Vicky and I are praying for God to lead you in this life-transforming decision!