Should I Wear A Mask?


Arlington Public Schools, in accordance with the VDH and CDC, have updated their indoor mask requirements to optional, regardless of vaccination status, taking effect March 1st. Since our services are held in an Arlington public school, Grace will be following these new mask guidelines for services and activities.

What About Social Distancing?


Social distancing requirements have been lifted by the CDC and the Virginia Governor’s office. Grace has a large auditorium, so feel free to spread out as much as you would like.

Should we Pre-register?


Pre-registration is not required to attend a service. We do ask that you monitor your health and if you are sick that you consider watching service online.

Children's Programming


Children’s programming will have full programming during the 9:30am service only. Space will be limited due to room capacities. Children’s programming will be on a first-come-first-served basis and children will undergo a quick check-in process.